Publishing research papers is desired for graduate students and is required for post graduates. Having the published papers in B.Tech brings the higher chances of securing the admission in international universities. Similarly for Master’s students, it increases the chances of getting into research organization or universities. Basically, it shows the ability to understand and implement the innovative ideas, which is required nowadays even to apply for a job at top software and telecom companies.
LKG technologies provides publication-oriented industrial training in information and communication technologies. After going through the training, a candidate is able to understand the latest technology features and aspects, together with ability to implement it in a software. At the end of the program, a project topic is suggested to each participant. An outcome is to complete the project with good results and desired outcome is to produce a publishable paper at a high quality IEEE conference. We extend our support in order to raise the quality of the paper that can be submitted to a high quality journal as well.
Currently, we provide the training on cutting edge communication technologies, which includes the following:
-IEEE and 3GPP
-5G features
-6G features
-IEEE features
-Current features already in the market
-Research topics
-How to build a simulator
-Project topics